Home Page of Sinohealth Holdings Limited




Corporate Information
Listing Documents
Financial Reports
Announcements and Circulars
Corporate governance
Investor Enquiries

Sinohealth Holdings Limited

Registered office

89 Nexus Way Camana Bay Grand Cayman KY1-9009 Cayman Islands

Principal place of business and headquarters in the PRC

Room 1111, No. 5, Wangjiang Second Street, Huangge Town, Nansha District, Guangzhou City

Representative Office in Hong Kong

40/F,Dah Sing Financial Centre, No. 248 Queen's Road East Wanchai, Hong Kong

Form Notice
Green Application Form
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- Board of Directors

Executive Directors

Mr. Wu YushuMs. Wang Lifang

Non-executive Directors

Mr. Fu Haitao

Independent Non-executive Directors

Ms. Wang DanzhouMs. Du YilinMr. Wei Bin

Audit Committee

Mr. Wei Bin (Chairman)Ms. Wang DanzhouMs. Du Yilin

Compensation Committee

Ms. Wang Danzhou (Chairwoman)Ms. Du YilinMs. Wang Lifang

Nomination Committee

Mr. Wu Yushu (Chairman)Ms. Du Yilin

- Governance Documents

Procedures For Shareholders To Propose A Person For Election As A Director

Shareholders’ Communication Policy

List of Directors And Their Roles And Functions

Terms of Reference of the Nomination Committee

Terms of Reference of the Remuneration Committee

Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee

Articles of Association

Sinohealth Holdings Limited
Address: Rooms 1303-1307, Tower A, No. 100 Huangpu Avenue West Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, PRC Email: ir@sinohealth.cn